about me
- name: katrina (she/her)
- i am an enthusiasm enthusiast!
- interests: drawing, making and listening to music, web design, and general tomfoolery!
- mbti: entp 1w9 sp/so
- star signs: ☼ pisces / ☾ libra / ↑ aries
- creator accounts: check out the things i make! i hope theres something that you like!
(carrd art portfolio)
holy fucking bingle! :3 hello welcome to my site! you should sign my guestbook NOW!!! >:]
i have many interests and hobbies that come and go like the seasons, so this website is my snapshot of my life at any point in time. i post art, ramblings about music (check out my bandcamp and soundcloud!), and random little things that catch my attention, like slime! you can check out my moodboard on my site to get a better understanding of me.
i love working on my site!!! its so cool watching how it evolves as make new div classes and change them and move around my graphics. i love how the web revival is all about community and connection.
so yeah, my name is katrina and this is my blog... or whatever i decide to make of it.
i've had a big interest in mbti since like forever, and i've gone through a lot of labels. first istj, then intj, then intp, then entp, then back to intj, then istj, then ALLLL the way back to entp!! it has been quite the confusing journey, in fact the last two times i took an mbti test i got enfj and infj. nowadays, i am more than certain i am an entp! my ne and fe were just hidden after years of shame.
net neighbors
if you've linked to my site and want to become net neighbors, please tell me by signing my guestbook! i would love to see your site. my buttons are at the bottom of the page, so please download them and host on your own site. do not hotlink
personality tests
personality test of all kinds on the web! ill be adding more sooner or later. i have many, MANY victims to my personality test phase.... over 30 forcefully administered personality tests! :D
my gifypet :D
new year, new background! say hello to doc's friend smiski! (fun fact: doc's gifypet form was actually "born" on october 2023.)
last updated 1/19/25!!
january 19 2025
- experimenting with new colors...
- fixed a broken ending tag in graphics and resources
- i'll be back soon! been very very busy recently but because of the tiktok ban i'll be moving back here. love you all! <3
january 2024
- added title tags
- changed dead pixelbank link in "graphics and resources" to an archive.org record and added the Electric Zine Maker and EZMreader to general resources!
- changed headers in "blog" to 150x20px. used pixelated image rendering to keep them crispy
- updated "not found/404" page!
- "graphics and resources" revamp! same stuff, new look. i hope the new layout is enjoyable for you all! additionally, i added css tags to make pixel art "crisper" with the help of shishka!
- added sound effects on click!
- changelog is now LIVE!!!!
- added buttons to "footer.html" and bandcamp links to "index.html"!
december 2023
- expanded moodboard, personality test section, and added buttons to "footer.html"!
- shifted moodboard and personality test sections to a grid layout instead of flexbox: this also fixed the issue on index.html where the gifypet header and gifypet widget were separated on some resolutions! :D
- updated blog.html to have gif headers!
- added bandcamp widget
- joined ladies of the links!
november 2023
- added buttons to footer.html
- renamed header in graphics.html to "graphics and resources"
october 2023
- joined self-insert webring
- changed index.html layout to accomodate expanded "about me section" and self-insert webring widget!
- expanded moodboard and added buttons to "footer.html"
- moved blog posts to "/blog" folder
- fixed typos
- delected duplicate of "microaesthetics.html"