I LOVE SLIME!!! (feat: Dither Me This)

slime is an art form now :]

i have been looking at slime for like two weeks now!! very glad to see that the internet has evolved slime from a cute little paste time for young girls (but theres nothing wrong with pasttimes for young girls!!) to a whole industry where people put their minds to great creative use! look at these slimes. i wish i had these slimes. all slimes are listed with their shop and name.

testing out dithering!

additionally, all images in this blog post (apart from gifs) are dithered using Dither Me This! it essentially processes the images into a smaller file size in a really nice retro-looking way. well i mean it IS retro, not just retro-looking, because back then when game devs only had so much space to work with they had to get REALLY creative in order to get interesting images out there but ENOUGH WITH THE TECHIE TALK!!!!!

momo slimes: cherry blossom frappe

this one stood out to me so much!! i was amazed to learn DIY slime kits existed a month ago, and seeing this was so amazing! you drizzle the "caramel", then you fill it with the base, then you top it and drizzle even more and add the trinkets and flowers. its so cool!! a lot of the slimes here are DIY slimes. it's so satisfying watching the slime homogenize into a pink mixture (some slimes look not so great homogenizing tho. not this one!!)

momo slimes: starbb bun

literally a!! concha slime!!! showed my boyfriend this as soon as possible. it was a bitch to try to dither a sqiushing image of this slime properly so please search this one up!! very cute slime

momo slimes: fairy tea blush

THIS ONE IS SO CUTE it reminds me of the "blue lace agate" slime of the same brand except fairy tea blush doesn't have a sandy brown section that muddies up the slime when you mix it. icee slimes are so cool!!

momo slimes: sakura cream waffle

i put by heart and soul into dithering this..... i messed around with saturation and darks and brights until it properly dithered. its so cute and unique! i needed to at least get the constructed image dithered

momo slimes: sakura water slime

water slime! personally i dont THINK id like a water slime over the other varieties but they are quite interesting to me. it looks like juice and smells like cherry blossoms! almost like a playable solid cherry blossom tea

"weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye?,
you think i'd crumble,
you think i'd lay down and die.
oh no, not i!"
