
insane..... being stuck around marketing kids for 3 days hasnt been that bad!! i like that the parts that stick out werent even supposed to happen. very fond of taking control of my life!! fate is FAKE. i watch a little video about fernando pessoa and he seems interesting ill be reading his works shortly. very introspecitive existentialist whivch is good because i dislike extrospective(?) existentialism. bitch what the FUCK do i do with the information that everything is a simulation other than be sad. it must be implementable.
my ankles are going to fall off

wowie new personality test~

the presenter guy immediately brought up MBTI introversion when he got to this...... outstanding.

post scdc update

okay basically it was cool and the last night was AWESOME. i come here for comeradery which is really priveleges because its expensive as fuck but !!! it was fun.